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CORE Joins Sudan Cash Consortium to Support Communities in Khartoum 

LOS ANGELES – September 2024 CORE (Community Organized Relief Effort) has joined the Cash Consortium of Sudan (CCS), a consortium composed of 20 nonprofits that are banding together to provide a critical lifeline to those suffering at the hands of the brutal war in Sudan.

Every day, the situation becomes more dire. The Sudan conflict has displaced 10 million people internally and throughout the region. Rapid deterioration of food insecurity has resulted in over 25 million people facing acute levels of food insecurity, with over 755,000 at risk of famine. Access constraints and high operational costs have exacerbated the suffering of those caught in the conflict’s crosshairs.

The expansion of fighting into agricultural areas has compounded hardship, pushing populations closer to famine and increased vulnerability. During this year-long crisis, traditional forms of in-kind support have often been ineffective as supplies struggle to make it into the hands of those in need. Addressing this crisis of such an enormous, heartbreaking scale demands that the international humanitarian community collaborate urgently and efficiently to alleviate continued harm.

At a time when so much is at stake, Cash Assistance is absolutely vital.

Two men sort and weigh beans to distribute at a community kitchen in Sudan.

CORE is working with community-based organizations in Sudan, which provide a wide array of resources, from psychosocial assistance to health access and food support through communal kitchens. (Photo by CORE)

Cash assistance can be implemented in hard-to-reach areas, giving individuals the power to use cash to immediately and directly address their most pressing needs, like food, shelter, and water. Global evidence shows that communities affected by crisis prefer cash assistance and these programs are more cost-efficient. Every dollar delivered has a multiplier effect on markets and communities.

CORE’s cash assistance program supports 43 community-based organizations in Khartoum that reach thousands of women and families through the provision of healthcare, nutrition, and psychosocial support. These spaces also offer protection and support for survivors of gender-based violence (GBV), a critical resource as instances of GBV have spiked during the war.

Without further widespread humanitarian intervention, countless people will continue to suffer. Through joining the CCS, CORE is building capacity alongside humanitarian partners to support as many people as possible.

“We are thrilled that CORE has joined the CCS and see great scope for CORE’s influence in further shaping the partnership and our harmonized approaches at scale on the basis of its ongoing programming in Sudan, as a leading organization mobilizing cash assistance for vulnerable families in Khartoum, as well as in supporting women-led community response groups,” says Gabrielle Fox, the Chief of Party for the CCS.

“Joining the Cash Consortium of Sudan to support Sudanese communities affected by this brutal war is an essential step in scaling CORE’s programming in the country. As a part of the CCS, we’re all working towards the same collective goal: reach as many people in need as possible,” says CORE CEO and Co-founder Ann Lee. “From resourcing communal kitchens to sustaining local markets, cash assistance offers individuals the agency and flexibility to address needs in times of crises. As members of the CCS, we affirm CORE’s commitment to the people of Sudan, who have already experienced a seemingly unbearable amount of tragedy.”

About CORE

Founded after the 2010 Haiti earthquake by Sean Penn and Ann Lee, CORE (Community Organized Relief Effort) is a global humanitarian organization that empowers underserved communities in and beyond crisis. CORE’s community-powered work is informed and fueled by local hands. When crisis strikes, we listen, we learn, and we act to quickly fill gaps, mobilize resources, and develop long-term recovery solutions. With a focus on equity, CORE provides critical relief to marginalized and vulnerable people, from the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic and conflict in Ukraine to flood-impacted villages in Pakistan and beyond. Learn more about CORE’s work at www.coreresponse.org, and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, X, YouTube, and LinkedIn.


Learn more about CORE’s work in Sudan