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Kentucky Floods

CORE is on the ground in Kentucky providing critical support to those devastated by the floods and the most vulnerable populations.

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What damage did flooding in Kentucky in 2022 cause?

Torrential rainfall in July and August of 2022 caused catastrophic flooding in central Appalachia. In Eastern Kentucky, the floods caused dozens of reported deaths, injuries, and destruction that stranded hundreds of people without their homes.  

What were the challenges in the response to the flooding in Kentucky?

Many affected areas lie in rugged terrain that is difficult to access. Search and rescue and relief efforts were complicated further by road damage. As aid was administered and vital needs were assessed, heavy rain continued to cause flooding and additional challenges in the region.  

How did CORE help flood victims in Kentucky in 2022?

CORE responded quickly to provide critical support to low-income and high-risk communities devastated by the flooding in Kentucky.  


Our team mobilized to the impact zone to support the most vulnerable communities in Letcher County. We coordinated with local partners to provide debris removal and hygiene kits, Wi-Fi and laptop stations, and identify survivors’ additional critical needs. 


resources distributed

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