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Rio Grande do Sul Floods

$2,376 /$100,000

You can help Brazil.

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Emergency Response | 2024

What damage have the 2024 Brazil floods caused?

In May 2024, torrential rains triggered catastrophic flooding in the state of Rio Grande do Sul in southern Brazil. A series of floods wiped out vital infrastructure including roads, bridges, water, and electricity. Clay-colored water rushed into homes, buildings, and businesses, impacting over 2 million people and leaving nearly 600,000 displaced. Locals with access to small boats or kayaks carried out desperate rescues alongside state agencies to save stranded neighbors, pets, and livestock.  


The impacts of climate change are once again affecting the most vulnerable communities in southern Brazil – as in so many places around the world. This devastating storm is the fourth major environmental disaster to hit the region in the last year, leaving residents exhausted and with limited time and resources to sufficiently rebuild and recover. With many homes still underwater, the situation looks dire, with many low-income families forced to remain in the state with nowhere to go. 

A man in a canoe paddling during the flood of Rio Grande do Sul.

Photo by Lucas  Leffa

How is CORE helping support those impacted by the 2024 Brazil floods? 

Having delivered humanitarian programs to support marginalized communities in Brazil following major floods in 2022, CORE mobilized to support the local government and is on the ground conducting needs assessments in impacted communities surrounding the state’s capital, Porto Alegre. In coordination with local partners, we are distributing hygiene and food kits, baby supplies, and menstrual pads to help families who have lost everything. 


Our team will continue to work with local organizations to identify and address urgent needs of lower income communities, including carrying out relief supplies distributions and home clean-up assistance.

As the floods subside and the tremendous loss and destruction become clearer, communities members have expressed additional urgent needs, including:

  1. Cleaning kits: Some residents are returning to their severely flood-damaged home and need supplies to help them clear mud inside and outside their house.
  2. Mattresses: Displaced community members need mattresses as they return to their flood-damaged homes or continue staying with family in overcrowded homes. 
  3. Hygiene Items, Baby Supplies, and Water: Families need diapers, milk, and clean water to ensure the health and safety of their babies and families. 
  4. Food: Residents need non-perishable food. Local community kitchens are delivering hot meals to residents but need support to expand capacity. 
  5. Direct Financial Support: When appropriate, delivering cash and voucher assistance (CVA) will enable impacted families to cover basic needs such as medicine, clothes, food, and more.  

climate change

Help us empower communities in crisis.

Since the beginning, CORE has been responding to some of the world’s worst climate disasters. As climate change continues to increase the catastrophic effects of extreme weather, marginalized and low-income communities are disproportionately impacted. CORE understands that climate equity begins by addressing the intersection of disaster and social justice head on by leading climate mitigation initiatives around the world. Learn more below:

Climate Change Program

Your gift today strengthens CORE’s mission as we continue our commitment to responding quickly to our most vulnerable communities around the world. Every dollar makes a difference. Please join in our fight as we work together to create a brighter and more equitable future. 
